Going to court for the first time–scratch that, anytime–can be extremely nerve wracking. Just walking into the building is intimidating. You’re immediately met with metal detectors and security personnel–there’s more safety measures at the entrance of a courthouse than there are at most police stations. That’s not to mention trying to figure out which courtroom you’re supposed to go to, whether you should walk right in or wait to be called, where you should sit… it feels like you missed college orientation and just showed up on the first day of classes.
I can vividly imagine this being my first-time experience, but I was lucky enough to have Chris as an orientation advisor. He had warned me about the metal detectors, and although he had told me which courtroom to go to, he was waiting for me just after the front door to bring me there. As we walked up the winding staircase, Chris smiled and waved to the attorneys and clerks that passed us, sometimes stopping to chat and introduce me. He seemed relaxed and comfortable. Even when we witnessed a screaming match break out on the floor just below, he was relatively unfazed.